Centre•Sciences is a regional association for the promotion of Scientific, Technical and Industrial Culture, whose mission is to share science and technology with all the inhabitants of the Centre-Val de Loire region. Centre•Sciences supports regional players and cultural partners in carrying out actions and events, and acts as a resource center for all its partners in the region.
Its missions are to share the knowledge and innovations developed in the region’s research laboratories, universities and businesses, promote the scientific culture activities carried out by its partners in the region, put science on the agenda, initiate and coordinate large-scale events in the region to give wide access to CSTI, raise awareness of science among young audiences by encouraging an experimental, active and inclusive approach, and lead the network of scientific culture players in the Centre-Val de Loire region.
- Creation of educational tools
- Setting up scientific culture events
- Communication for the general public
Implications and links with Sycomore
Centre•Sciences is responsible for all the scientific culture activities carried out as part of the Sycomore program: coordinating and monitoring the production of 5 educational packs with all the partners, distributing these educational tools and monitoring communication and promotion activities.